Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Gift of La Dolce Vita

Book Review of "dating da Vinci" by Malena Lott

I just finished reading “dating da Vinci” by Malena Lott. And I have all these words and memories swirling around my head as a result of it. I love it when I read a book and I immediately want to tell everyone I know to read it. It is almost as if someone is paying me to do it. (I can dream right?).

The book is written in first person, my favorite. It is a story about Ramona, who is an English language instructor to immigrants, and her life as it transitions from a “Griever” to a “Normal” over a period of time.

Ramona is a 36 year old widow with 2 young boys, William and Bradley. We learn that her soul mate husband, Joel, died suddenly about 2 years ago. And Ramona is definitely still a “Griever”. She has divided the world into “Normals” and “Grievers”. Since Ramona is a linguist, as readers we enjoy just how much fun words really are and the joy of choosing the right one. She is also currently working on her dissertation, “The Language of Love”.

So we follow along with Ramona as she finds her way back thru her grief. This book is not only a “Ramona gets her groove back”. It is a story of how Ramon turns her sorrow of her late husband’s untimely death into joyful memories of his presence in her life. This story is layered with humor and family gossip. A fun read. I became attached to Ramona and her journey. Many of us have a Ramona in our lives. Or we are Ramona…

We meet many people in Ramona’s life. Obviously a hot 25 year Italian immigrant named Leonardo da Vinci…And some memorable friends, past students and relatives. Each one has closet full of back story that is very amusing for the reader…

I found this book at my local library. Seems I always have some business there. I had just returned a boring book and was just glancing at the shelf and “dating da Vinci” sort of caught my eye. I am always drawn towards a book that is about being involved with an artist. My husband is a performer. An artist. A comic. And definitely different to be involved with. But that’s my other blog….

As I read the book I soon realized that it wasn’t about being involved with an artist. Like Ramona, I have separated the people in the world in two categories. My categories are “Artists” or “NonArtists”. And I try to often figure out which one I belong in…I think by merely grouping the population, it moves me closer to the “NonArtist” category. But then again, the creating and writing of this blog inches me towards the “Artist” category. Talk about frustration from over thinking…

Truthfully this book did many things for me. It made me think, feel, cry and laugh…I love that Ramona is a linguist. I love words and their origin. I always have a dictionary close. I have been known to rewrite a sentence or thought over many times. There are scribbles of notes all over my desk…Think “over thinking” again…

This book reminded me that I need to feel…I recalled the people that I have lost over the years. And like Ramona, I have learned to have joy inside of me instead of sorrow.

Evidently I know that too much of my time is spent thinking. There are times when I cannot shut off my brain. I need to live in the moment more. Enjoy more of life. My funny husband always tells me I analyze things too much. Well, truthfully, he really tells me I “over analyze” him. But as I mentioned before, that’s my other blog….

I want to thank the author, Malena Lott, for a fun and beautiful tale. I will miss Ramona…And thank you Malena for reminding me to be charmed by life and all it has to offer…


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